NAPPR is dedicated to improving the lives of Native and non-Native families in a broad variety of ways, for a broad range of family and child needs. We have multiple home based services, where our experienced staff work directly with caregivers and children within their communities, as well as our renowned Early Head Start day care center that provides superior early development education in the heart of Albuquerque.
Home-Based Services
Whether it’s providing developmental support for infants, toddlers, and expectant mothers through our Early Head Start program, supporting Tribal communities through our Tribal Home Visiting program, or supporting special needs or at risk children through our Early Intervention program, NAPPR is dedicated to coming to you and working with you and your children in the comfort of your home. NAPPR feels strongly that the best way to support parents and children is to meet them where they are, literally and figuratively. This creates a safe, supportive environment and enables truly intimate, custom care for the care givers and their children.
Early Head Start Center
NAPPR also provides developmental support for infants and toddlers at our Early Head Start Center. With it’s extremely low teacher to child ratio, children are assured truly attentive support from EHSC’s dedicated and experienced staff. The center is licensed through the New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department and currently holds a two-star license. The Early Head Start Center is open year-around Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 2:30 pm.