Rebecca Riley
Director, Tribal Home Visiting Program
For the past few years, Rebecca has focused her work on helping to support, build and improve quality Home Visiting services to Native American families on and off tribal lands. Her interest in this work began when she received Early Intervention services for her two sons. Her experience includes Head Start teaching for the Pueblo of Isleta and Health, Nutrition and Mental Health Coordinator for the Pueblo of Acoma. Since 2012, she has aided NAPPR in its mission as Program Manager and Evaluation Specialist before being promoted to her current position.
She received her Bachelor’s in Community Health Education with a minor in Native American Studies from the University of New Mexico.
A citizen of Acoma, Rebecca believes when more people come together to help raise and support a child’s growth then the collective helps raise and build stronger communities, and stronger communities mean the survival and success of generations for Native people. Services like Home Visiting can help.

Amy Pickard
Director, Early Intervention Program (LCSW, DSIII/FSC)
Amy began her career after joining NAPPR in 2000 and provided direct services to families in NAPPR’s four-county service area, as a Developmental Specialist and Family Service Coordinator. With more than 20 years of experience in Early Intervention now, Amy is very passionate and dedicated to working with children and families. She completed her Bachelor’s in Child Development and Family Relations at the University of New Mexico and later attained a Master’s in Social Work from New Mexico Highlands University. Amy has been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker since 2007. She used her knowledge and experience of providing social work services to families to help develop and create the social work program within NAPPR’s Early Intervention services. In June 2010, she was promoted to her current position. She enjoys providing support and guidance to her talented and skilled early intervention team.

Arra Carbajal
Director, Early Head Start Program
Arra began working with NAPPR in 2009, serving eight years as the Early Head Start director. She has more than 22 years in early childhood care and education as a classroom teacher, administrator, technical assistance provider, home visitor, child care provider and grant reviewer throughout New Mexico.

Elaine Sanchez RDH, MA
Director, Dental Support Center Program
Elaine comes to NAPPR with a dental background of approximately 20 years. She has earned both Associate’s and Bachelor’s degrees in dental hygiene as well as a Master’s degree in Organizational Learning and Instructional Technologies. This formal education prepared her to embark on a career of teaching, research, and administration within dental hygiene programs in Albuquerque. After approximately 12 years at a University, she was recruited to a dental hygiene program which was being developed.